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Thursday, November 27, 2008


salam... =)

td (26.11.200) tamatlah sudah pengajian aku sebagai final year 1st semester student secara rasminya
paper mandarin diakhiri dengan ucapan alhamdulillah...
dapat juga pikiran ni berehat seketika
*harap2 begitulah cuti dapat dimanfaatkan*

selesai sudah mengemas barang2 yang sepatutnya
esok, kami akan berangkat.. (read kami: aku, rumet n faid)
menuju ke destinasi masing2
dengan plan yg agak penuh sepanjang minggu depan
*harap2 menjadi la*

so for all of u, i may not log in for a week
i'll be right back after raya haji, insyaAllah


semoga cuti ni korang bertambah2 epi~

zai jian UTP



Sunday, November 23, 2008

wut does ur name means?

salam.. =)

jumpa ni kat blog harith..
so buat jugak~

What Dzeti Farhah Means

D is for Darling

Z is for Zappy

E is for Elegant

T is for Tame

I is for Industrious

F is for Futuristic

A is for Artistic

R is for Refined

H is for Handy

A is for Alluring

H is for Hilarious

bercerita tentang exam

salam... =)

as i completed my exam, i mean 4 of them, i realized sumthing..

my first 3 papers were about memorizing all those wordy facts..
and on the time time of examination, i have to WRITE everything that i memorized..
and that made me felt sooo tired for exam week instead of having all those 3 in straight 3 days..

and suddenly i tink...

why don't UTP provide us computer to answer the questions?
at least, we don't have to write..
just type..erase..or delete..
and ini akan menjimatkan masa..

LENGUH tau x mengarang banyak2..huhu
i tink Petronas do afford to provide us computer for exam..

dunia dah maju, zaman dah berubah..

kalau UTP buat system macam ni, mesti UTP bertambah gempak..

p/s: 1 more paper to go.. when should i go back to UTP?
esok ke lusa ek?huhu

*kemalasan melanda lagi*

Friday, November 21, 2008

bil air


kelmarin bil air sampai..
tergezut gle cz RM100+..
apekah bil ni?
xkan mak n ayah kat umah guna air smpai ber tonne2..
musykil tol aku..
slalunya kan bil dalam 20+..paling banyak maybe 50 kot..
btol x?
korang paling banyak pernah kena berapa bil air?

aku pon dengan penuh kemusykilan tanya sama bunda n ayahanda..
mereka cakap, dah 3 bulan cmtu..
aku guess ada leaking pipe mana2..so aku pon wat la pencarian dgn ayahanda..
nampak tanah kering ja..xda pon symptom2 leakage
tggu plumber datang check la esok..

tp dis time bukan ni yang aku nk citekan..
cuma bila bil air melonjak cmni, aku teringat 1 kejadian..

kejadian ni jadi masa intern..
aku teman feera lunaskan bil2 umah derang kat pos opis..
ms tengah tggu nak bayar, ade sorang pakcik ni kat kaunter...
dia nampak tuaaaaaa sangat..
rasanya xsalah kalau aku panggil dia atok.. dia nampak sgt uzur..

aku lak overheard dia nya conversation dengan akak kaunter tu..

atok: berapa semua ni?
akak kaunter: RM 500 (kalau xsalah aku la)
atok: berapa?
(atok ni dah tua, so dia kurang dengar)
akak kaunter: 500 ringgit pakcik..
(agak tggi suara dia, tp bukan salah dia, atok tu dah kurang dengar..) =(
bil air pakcik ja dah 300..pakcik kena bayar ni, kalau x nnt kena potong..ni dah tertunggak pakcik..
atok: ooo...
(smbil kuarkan duit dari envelope)
atok: boleh x bayar 50 dulu?
akak kaunter: x boleh pakcik, kena bayar semua...
*atok terdiam*

erk, hampir berlinang air mata aku masa ni..
berkaca mata aku masa tu..
Ya Allah, sedeynya aku tengok keadaan atok ni...
n masa ni, aku terpk, mana anak2 atok ni..or dia xada anak..
tp lepas tu, aku xtau apa jadi cz aku kna balik PFK da..
masa rehat da abes...

sesusah mana pon kita, mesti ada orang lagi susah kan?
tp apa2 pon jadi, jangan sesekali kita abandon mak ayah..

Ya Allah, murahkanlah rezeki utk atok tu..

Monday, November 17, 2008

sebelum & selepas

salam... =)

sekian lama x update my activities, now presenting:

check it ouut~

b4 exam:

Telok Batik kewl~
*with osmet*

bekfes dulu b4 terjun

adib yg bahagia bersama makanan

segarnye pas mandi2 laut neh

all of us..final year osmet =p
tugu Telok Batik kah kamu semua?

singgah lunch di Nasi ayam Mama kat manjung
lapaq ni wehhh

aku n rumet sementara menunggu makanan kami

ezyan with her honey dew juice

da abes makan
*kenyang + nantok*

adeeb and fatimah (our new comer)

syukriah with her air buah NAGA
pas minum ni le kua api woo
kan syuk!hihi

after 3rd paper:
lawat Penyu di Pantai Remis

penyu tertua (kiri skali), umo dia 11 tahun
tp sgt besar!!!!

kami yang sangat teruja dengan gaya renang bebas oleh penyu2

laju gileee derang swimming..
engat berat belakang, lambat

finally dpt gak pegang penyu dgn beraninya
seb baik bdn die xlembik..euu

anak2 penyu yg baru menetas
kalau le bwk balik, aku dah kidnap 2 3 ekor neh

pernyu ini sedang TIDO, jgn ganggu ok!

if i'm not mistaken, yg ni hanya beberapa bulan je, tp dah besooo

ni la penyu td, zoom in sket
scary x I?hehe

ni tempat telor2 penyu disimpan utk ditetaskan, xle masuk cni..

after 4th paper:
makan di Waritha

kami ke sana 2 kete: ijat n faid
sedap la makanan cni, mmg sedap!
harga pon ok jeeee

ni ayam masak ape ntah

ni udang goreng tepong

ni siakap 3 rasa, sedap..krup2

i was spotted there
pas makan gi tgk madagascar
so which is me?

ouh, from previous entri, i forgot to mention that i'm home rite now
too good to be here
balik since gap to mandarin nye paper 1week+
so anta barang sket, nnt balik last xyah pnat sgt ngemas kan

smpai ptg agak lapa, bli pau..siyes sedap gile pau ni!!!
lembut n murah n besar
*tringin lagi*

yeay dah nampak signboard gurun tuh

eh, dah kat tol Gurun..

now I'm home~~
good luck to those yg ada paper lagi
aku pon ada gak, cuma nak rest cz last week dh penat sgt
so all d best!!
jgn give up k!!!

tag #3

salam... =)

baru lepas jawab tag ke-2, dah dpt tag ke-3
maybe aku yg lmbt menjawab tag ke-2 aritu..
so ni aku trus jawab tag ke-3 k?

kali ni aku di-tag oleh anis & dayah
its all about the opposite gender
so who's gonna i tell u about?
jejomzzzz go through:

What is the relationship of you and him?

Your 5 impressions towards him
1. Patient
2. Firm
3. But not hot-temper
4. Hardworking
5. The most adorable character: beriman
*wish to have 1 like him 1 day*

The most memorable things he had done for you
tooooo muuuuch to say

The most memorable things he have said to you?
Its ok if you just follow your own rule, but if things happen, then no if no but

If he becomes your enemy, you will
I wont let this happen

If he becomes your enemy, the reason is
It wont happen ok!

The most desirable thing to do on him is?
Baaaaanyakkkkk sangat!

The overall impression of him
Could be an idol

How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I don't really care bout other's thought, but most of my friends said I'm funny

The character of you for yourself is?
Funny.. am I?

The character you hate of yourself is?
Not really confident...huhu

The most ideal person that you want to be is?
caring, understanding n pandai masak (jz like my mom)

For the people who care about and like you, say something about them.
I actually dont have any idea why u should care and like me, but I do really2 appreciate it..thanx a lot for being with me when I need u..so keep in touch, my friends~

10 people to tag
1. deyna
2. jazlin
3. apy
4. izzat
5. shazzy
6. nuriman
7. meera
8. Fariz
a.k.a Kongz
9. Kak sue
10. wani tita

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
En. Pundak, kan2?hihi

Is no. 3 a male or a female?
erm, male kot..MALE laa..hehe

What is no. 1 studying about?
chemical eng.>> environment

Is no. 4 single?
erk, single ke?maybe but i dont tink he's available..hehe

who is no. 5?
rumet nye PDP-mate..hehe

another tag~

salam... =)

like i promised, here i do my tag:


Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
* DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* Post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.

taken right after my roomate told me that we r being tagged~
*nak gi makan tu =p *

so next, i will tag:
1. apy
2. izzat
3. cj
4. nuriman
5. ijan
6. meera
7-10: sape2 yg xbuat lg, sile berbuat demikian ye =)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

masih belum bersedia

salam... =)

dah lama aku x menyinggah page sendiri utk berblogging
apetah lg page org lain kan..
bukan aku xmau, tp korang dah cukup memahami situasi internet di utp kala exam ni..

maybe suma tu ada hikmah..
yela, dah exam, jgn cbuk2 nk bc blog, tp kna bc notes..

*actly, its not a good reason k utp*

skang aku rs sedikit relieve bila 3 paper yg menghafal sudah lepas
walaupon 3 hari berderet, tp tu suma sudah lepas..aku xperlu pikir lg kn
tinggal lg satu paper menghafal dan satu paper bahasa
n masa ni internet kelihatan baik flow nya..
bagus2, at least aku le tgk apa update teman2 ku..

n bila aku meneliti dr satu blog ke satu blog, aku dah di-tag
tp maaf ye kawan2, aku masih belum bersedia utk mereply..
bkn aku xnak tau..
tp sbb internet xde la heal btol2 lg..
nk tinggalkan komen pon kna refresh..aiigooo
so aku akan reply sumanya bila aku balik..
aku balik ahad ni..so tggu ye? =)

tq to alin, wani and harith yg tag aku..
bila dah sampai seru, n sampai di umah, akan ku reply~~~~
n beberapa update akan ku lampirkan nnt

Friday, November 7, 2008

plss come back...

salam... =)

di kala kebosanan...
ku rela menaip dari membaca dan menghafal..
lalu aku ingin menaip..

back to 1 year ago..

dlu kalau study week, aku n rumet mesti bgn awl
plg lewat 8 am
aku rs tu la time plg skema cz kami le bgn seawal tu
even aku tau, ada antr korang yang biasa awl bgn dari waktu tu, tp tu adalah waktu plg gempak aku n rumet le bangun
so klu korang mmg biasa bgn awl, aku tabik springgg la tok korang!!
cz aku n rumet mmg ssh
especially sem ni..urgh..

dlu tdo mesti awl..at least kol 12..sbb nk bgn awl kan
dah la bgn awl, then laptop x on smpai tgh ari!
kononnye nk fokus study dgn printed notes ktorg!!
gle le idop ms tu..if we could repeat all those time.. =p

tp sem ni, sumanya berubah
semuanya laen dr dulu..berubah sama skali!
bgn2 mst on laptop..cz xda 1 pon notes yg kami print
aiigooo, wegure..

*senyum sendiri*

ditambah dgn study week yg diganggu, mood utk study pon dah xda lg
kemalasan masih menebal
especially bila petang dan malam menjelma
susah lak nak tido awal

mood ooo mood..
mana pegi mood ni...
plss come back to us..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

study week daaa

salam... =)

da study week ea?
tp aku study ke?
hurm...still trying to...

yg aku tau aku berdebar sgt tggu saat paper diagihkan nnt..
even aku byk lg xcover, tp pe aku nk try bc pon seems xsmpt da..
aaa, cmna neh..

aku rs cm pasrah ja nnt..
*lately lagu pasrah by erra fazira slalu berkumandang di bilikku*
kan rumet?hihi

pd sume2...
sorry 4 d words dat might hurt..
sorry 4 d jokes dat cant be accepted..
sorry 4 every single thing..


AlL d BeSt!!!

~finally final~


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

kenapa dgn ku?


ntah knapa ngan aku arini..
aku sgt2 xsedap ati..

maybe sebab keja yg tiba2 byk..
slides FYP..interim..
tu maybe aku xkesah kalau paper aku x berturut..aaaa

ni aku pk x study lg..
takot nyaaaa...huhu

cian kaknyang..call td aku xpat layan leklok..
ms tu ati aku sgt berdebar..
xtau nk ckp pe..
sorry sis...

tp td mak dah call..
dah ckp ngn mak ayah..
i'm much better..

kol 3p.m. nnt present FYP..
tp slide de je cm xpuas lg..huhu
wish me luck frens..


Monday, November 3, 2008



aku dah x mampu senyum atau rs rehat sket ble study week dis time..
*kenapa: translation from korea*
kenapa dak chemy dilayan cmni??
tulung la jwb wahai lecturer2 yg dikasihi..
i thought that i only have env test to worry for dis preparation week
so that i would not have to worry much about the papers coming..even i still have to..
out of sudden, the announcement out on Thu evening:

ANNOUNCEMENT (30 October 2008)

Oral Presentation is to be held from 3 - 7 November 2008, please check your schedule in the attachment file (updated at 6.20 pm 31st Oct). It is a 15-minutes presentation followed by 10-15 minutes Q&A session. You need to submit a copy of your Interim Report together with the evaluation form to the Examiner by tomorrow to give them ample time to read your report.

nice kan??
very nice of u, my dearest lecturer..
so wut do u mean by study week???


do u have any idea how should i accomplish my study for the straight 3 days papers coming next??
could u count for me how many time should i spend for each paper which i need to memorize every single thing??

or else, u dont know my exam timetable??
so, let me tell u..
do check this clearly...

10th: Malaysian Studies

11th: Environmental Law, Regulations and Pollution Preventions

12th: Small Business and Entrepreneurship

15th: Engineers in Society

26th: Mandarin

does this schedule look comfortable enough??
u'll say yes it is...
congratz utp!!!
u r really producing 'well-rounded' student!!

my dearest course mate, good luck~
do ur very best k?
wish me luck then..

"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah sesuatu yang amat sukar bagiku.. Sesungguhnya, memudahkan sesuatu itu, adalah amat mudah bgMu.."
