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Thursday, October 1, 2009

great ending, new beginning


i already completed the GEMS programme

it was 2 1/2 months

and it was GREAT!!! siyes x nyesal masuk balik..hihi

now, OJT dah start..

i got placement at TNB Connought Bridge, Klang

it is a power station

for d moment, i think tmpt tu ok.. org2 kt ctu lak frenly..

tp yg x bestnya, I am d only 1 budak GEMS yg dpt ctu..
so xda geng.. waaa~

jz hope to gain some more experiences there..

wish me luck~ =)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

raye lagi~~

Salam Aidilfitri buat sume!!!

MAaf zahir & batin ye~

even dah raya ke-7, tp still raya.. raya utk org yg posa 6 kan.. =D

Thursday, August 27, 2009

salam Ramadhan


today.. 27/08/2009..

sedar x sedar dah 6 hari kita berpuasa..

jap je kan?

tp masih lom terlambah kot nk wish Selamat Berpuasa kpd semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia..

semoga Ramadhan kali ini dapat kita manfaatkan se-maksima yg mungkin~

ampunkn slh & silap diri hamba ini..


Monday, August 17, 2009



with my lovely parent..

with family kakak..

with family abang

with kaknyang..
thanx to my lovely family..
w/out all of u, i am nothing..

kakcik, eventhough u were not there,
but, u are part of us..


also to my frens..
u'vee been help me so much!!
thanx korang!!!

p/s: sowi pic sape yg xde.. xde dlm my kamera..huhu

as we go on
we remember
all the times we
had together
as our life changes
comes whatever
we will still be

Friday, August 7, 2009

back to where i belong kot..


I am currently in Genting View Resort..

so, obviously I am not working anymore

I quit d job on last Friday..

hopefully, this is the best decision for me....

now, back in Genting.. continue GEMS which is much more happening!!

This is what i really looking for...

with a lot of BEST FRIENDS n UTPians!!

hope Allah will place us to where will we belong to....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

should i move on???


its been 2 days that I am working..

yes.. just 2 days...

but i can't feel like I'll love this job..

i don't know why, but my interest is not here at all..

1) I'm kind of not prepared at all to work.. I was planning to work only after Raya... so my mind is a bit 'weng' being here

2) D job scope.. Here, my task is something like designing valve (main) and other operations equipment.. This is the most that I hate!!! Even for FYDP pon I was 'referring' to others work.. Seriously, I am not interested at all... Yes I can learn, and I should learn, but, my mind is totally unprepared for all of this....

3) I am planning to go home.. Its quite long being out of my home sweet home.. I really need time with my parent.. I really miss them.. A lot...

4) Payment.. its just nice.. but, I need to rent.. fuel.. parking.. meals.. gen2..

OMG... help me please.. I am so helpless..

Ya Allah...help me to do the best decision...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

it's a long journey to go anyway...


sekian lama blog dibiarkan.. tbe2 rs sedey nak menulis ni..

i got a placement.. i should be happy rite..
go here..

yes, I am happy..

but, deep inside, a little doubt keep echoing me

1st: am i ready to work???

2nd: i am truly happy being in GEMS
lots of members here
just about to get close

waaaa~ sedeynye nak tinggalkan cni...
even i've been here only for 3 weeks, but it is still a lot of time for me

i am really happy being in here

so, i should go aite?

will miss everyone ere

especially my love-hate buddy
guess who?

also to cherry..
jz know her for a while
but, it means a lot!!

n aini...
i also get to know her better here

to sue n diyla..
my ENglish classmate
i'll miss u a lot!!!
won't forget every single time we spent together

*sedey mode*

Friday, July 10, 2009



hye korang!!!
guess where am i?
klu sapa2 tgk FB aku, mesti dah tau aku kt na

tp sapa2 xtau, aku kat Genting View Resort neh!!
attending GEMS.. dah almost 1 week pon kt cni..ngee~

actly aku plan dtg cni dgn dayah n fiera
tp at last, aku ngn fiera ja dtg..
dayah x dtg sbb nya, sile ke cni..

then b4 dtg tu, tau si aini n cherry pon dpt
tp bila kt cni tau plak kak hanis n arip boss pon ada
so agak berkampung la dak2 utp neh bila mkn..hehe
n 2day, suhaira lak masuk.. so bertmbh la jadi 8 org..

n yg plg bestnya, kt cni gak la jmpa balik dak2 matrik dlu
yg best ada dak prac aku.. mediyla
so interesting..

kt cni ktorg di dividekan dalam 8 group
lebey kurang 25-30 orang per group
cherry dpt grup ngn arip, feera lak dpt ngn kak hanis
aku xde sape2 aku knal, so terpaksala meramahkan diri..hehe~

tiap2 group tu kre company la
so 1 company ni, akan diberi task utk 1 event
de dpt wat sports day (grup fiera), wat community servive (grup cherry) n grup aini lak kna wat opening ceremony which will be held this afternoon
for my group, kna wat carnival
bajet sume derang kasi n xkisah bape pon

so, nnt klu korg de dgr pape aktiviti from GEMS, korg gi je join
boleh memeriahkan sket kan..hehe~

so tu je hapdet stakat ni
more updates akan menyusul nnt2 ye..

time to rest.. kroooh~

Friday, July 3, 2009

keja apa kak?


lama tol aku x update blog..
ye la, aku kan bz.
bz wat pe ek?
eh, aku mana ada keja tetap lagi

tp stakat ni, aku ada keja gak
kejanya ialah jaga anak2 buah aku

boleh dikatakan aku dah jaga semuanya stakat ni
tp plg byk jaga d only one niece la

n recently, my sis dpt baby baru
adik kepada yg gurl ni
nk tgk pic, masuk cni
aku guna laptop akak aku ni, so mls nk cr pic..
amek dr blog rumet je la k.. =p

n skang derang kt umah aku since akak aku nk balik pantang kat umah ni
senang katanya duk ngn mak
tau apa le mkn, n apa xle mkn

so now aku dah ada anak buah 7 orang yg 6 nya suma laki.. ngee~
mmg lasak2, dah nama laki kan
mmg mencabar la jg dak2 ni

tp aku sgt enjoy
mmg banyak karenah derang ni, tp akan ada certain part yg kita akan tersenyum sendiri bila ingt2 balik
n i hope i could gain a lot of experiences about kids
so sng di masa hadapan
ceewah~ =p

Friday, June 12, 2009



ha, napa ek tajuk 101th?

sbb ni entry ke-101
*kecoh aaa lu zeti..org len dah beratus2 entri lo..huh*
**bia aaa, blog aku..hih**

actly aku nk wat entri ni masa blog ke 100
tp aritu nk tulis gak psl balik dr utp
so pospone la wat utk blog ke 101

actly aku nk cita cmna dtgnya ZIRCON..
ya.. Z.I.R.C.O.N
sbb ada org dok tanya2, kenapa zircon..
so now aku nk bukak cita sket
*kecoh lagi*

zircon ni aku guna dr sekolah menengah dulu lagi
cmna le dpt?

ha... masa tu aku nk wat nickname utk mirc
asal minggu boleh balik umah ja, mesti masuk mirc..
xpon, klu smpat, masa outing weekend pon masuk gak
masa tu otai mirc utk #smkay wadieq la..hehe
wadieq tu mmg hebat psl comp dr skolah
*ha wadi, aku dah puji ang, adiah besday..haha*

so aku pon cr la nama2 yg aku rasa best
cmna aku cari?
aku cari kat dictionary..hehe
1stly, aku nk huruf Z
so aku pon cr la nama2 best dalam kamus kat huruf Z

n tetiba jumpa ZIRCON..
dalam kamus tu gtau, zircon means permata yang kebiru-biruan

tp klu nk tau lebey psl zircon..sila la kelik sini!

masa tu dalam form 1 kot..
xblaja kimia lagi..
so cm excited la dpt zircon
n meaning ni ala2 permata biru tu wat aku tertarik
sbb masa tu minat sgt kaler biru..hee~

so dr ctu, aku guna zircon as my nick
n agak lama x guna pas skolah
sebabnya x berkecimpung dunia mirc dah
bukan pa, nnt melagha sgt..hehe

n skang pon guna gak dlm frenster..
sj syok2.. ;-)
n masa ada blog, ni la 1st name yg terlintas

so, itulah asal usul zircon..

kecoh kn?
tu pon nk cita...

tp, ada aku kesah?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm done!!!

final chronology in UTP...

yesterday, i really had fun
hanging out for d last time in ipow
as 1st, we planned a surprise birthday party for Kongz
but they did surprised me as well
birthday celebration in advance for me
thanx Fiera, Faid, Cj n Kongz!!!

n balik2 je, osmet ajak gi karok lak
so i on je!!!

karok last ngn osmet!
-macam pesalah2 je..hihi-

n balik dr karok, start wat final touch utk barang2

almari dikosongkan

katil pon dikosongkan

meja akan dikosongkan selepas ini

n hard bound selamat disubmitkan

to all,
thanx for everything
nice knowing u all!!

sorry for any wrongdoing
my bad..

so c u when i c u
hope jumpe masa grad!!

i'll be missing u guys

keep in touch k

gtalk: dzetifarhah@gmail.com
ym: dzeti_farhah@yahoo.com


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chemy BBQ nyte

it was a great nyte!
30 may 2009

ayam bakar!!!

thorn among the roses!

terbaik masa kat cni!!

not everybody was ere~

more pics ere~

but we really enjoyed it!!!
thanx to those that organized this bbq nyte


Monday, June 1, 2009

korang mmg rawk!!!

di akhir2 ni...
sumanya rasa nk wat sama2 kan..
masa begitu cemburu!!
tp thanx to technologies..
we still could 'save' our memories together!!!

dinner bersama wat kali terakhir

memanjat jejantas wat kali pertama dan terakhir
hanya utk bergambar!!!

byg2 ke org?

d next morning:
heading to Cameron
just to fulfill syuki nye wish!
tkt kempunan
tp mmg dh plan awl2 dlu nk gi
cuma ni je ms yg ada
n xsume osmet de..tu sdey sket la..huhu

dah siap!!!
lets go girls!!!

bekfes dlu pape pon

perhentian pertama..
stop amek pic je..hehe

semua nak menyempit tu..

siyes aku cuak gile lalu cni!!!

2nd cekpoint

we were there!

self plucking k!!
trus mkn~
uncle ni dtg sama2..balik pon same2..hehe

ade jualan bundle..murah2

jln sgt jam masa ni..huhu

kira2 duit minyak..

stop cni pon sbb bergambar je..hee~

mcm bunga plastik je..cantik!!!

menyibuk sungguh di belakang tu..

sgt suka bunga ni!!!

choc strawberry!!!
my fevret ever!!!

ya, ini brg2 kami =p


sgt penat...fuh!
tp sgt puas ati!!!!

thanx korang
u all mmg rawk n kewl!!!!
gonna mish u gurls~~~

ada rhsia dgn baju merah itu...
ape ye?
cik osmet nk jawabkan?

baju tu spatutnya utk.........

dak2 below 15 kot.. =p