lets d pics tell u about our great weekend!
umah dayah:
comel2 gak neh..so guys, sape2 nk berkenalan, sile ke sesi intebiu dgn En. Izzat yer.. hihi
ok, tu je perjalananku..
pas umah maksuku, masing2 bergerak pulang ke villa masing2~
we really enjoyed..
for more pics...
waiting for next open house lak..
hope sume ni ada lg even sume2 dah kje n kawen ok~
gler bess . . buat lg . . and lg . . cool picture and narating . . klaka !!
malu r cmni..haha~
xpe2, gamba seterusnya akan disusuli ble aktiviti2 kte bertambah best!
best gile..
hope next yr kite dpt wat cmni lg.
+ 1 umah kt kedah..
mesti lg best kan?hihi~
nnt kte wat rentetan ke kedah lak k?
mari sume2 ke rumahku taun depan..hihi
ha klu kenduri pegi je k?
kite je yg ngomen ~ mne yg len ??
yg laen sume tgh bz la..huhu
xsmpt nengok2 blog..adei~
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