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Friday, October 31, 2008

lawatan sambil belajar ku~

salam... =)

wednesday (29/10/2008)
we went a trip to Bukit Tagar..
this is for our class; Environment..
c, how interesting Environment is.. =)

peoples always say, "Environment?nape environment?best ke?"
mmg best klu u all nk tau..ni antara ke'best'an class ktorg..hehe

brief explainantion of Bukit Tagar Lanfill

refreshment served
pulut sambal n karipap tu siyes masyuk!!!

berangin cni best..
tp angin tu 'x sehat bau'huhu

x cukup sorg nk jadi spice girl ek?

ni kat leachate collector..
bau die..perghh!
eau de parfum tu!

thanx to Dr Shark yg sudi bwk jln2.. =)

dayah, suke banget kamu!

now showing, heavy metal absorbent

~listening properly~

methane extractor in plan

siyes panas gle ms ni..huh~

this is where we dump the wastes
angin2 bayu 'wungi'

sempat lg 2 pinkies tu menyelit..hehe

leachate, treated leachate, standard B discharge

ni batch reactor utk leachate
kt cni xde la bau trok sgt

this bamboo plant type can absorb heavy metal
amazing kan?

all of us
*credit to harith for d pic*

UTP mmg baik ati..siap bg souvenir
tp utk student?internet pon 'baik...'

ni our photographer dlm Transit

after a tiring visit

a memorable journey..hehe

muka2 epi n puas~ =)

why so serious?

sum1 was talking to sum1..
yg kanan tu bc doa ke?haha

best kan rumet?
nnt cuti kte jln2 lg k?
bk ke landfill la..haha~

thanx to all 4 d pics~
next sem kte akn cmpur ngn jr. lak..
lets be d seniors~

Monday, October 27, 2008

cinta monyet?

salam... =)

korang ada cinta monyet?
mesti ada kan?
aku rs aku byk cinta monyet..haha
ye la, zaman2 skewl kan.
sat2 minat kt org tu, sat2 minat kt org len..
tp le x nk ckp byk2 org minat kt kita lak..
tu consider cinta monyet x? =p

aku terdetik nk ckp psl ni sbb aku br trima kad kawen
ada sorg ayh kwn aku ni dtg anta kad..
i was asking who's going to get married
rupa2nya abg kwn aku..
n abg dia tu dulu pnah la nk tackle aku..
klaka gile bile ingt2 balik
skolah rendah lg lak tu ms tu..haha~
tu la one of cinta2 monyet yg terlibat..hehe

n aritu pon ms sorg senior lama call, dia ada update sapa antara kwn2 dia yg dah kawen..
n aku ada dgr yg kwn dia sorg tu dh kawen..
ms skolah dulu pnah nk tackle aku n kawan aku, tp dah kawen dh skang..

aku tumpang epi la derang suma dah kawen..n nak kawen..
suma2 zaman skolah tu mmg kenangan la..
klu ingt2, mmg le gelak sendirik ni..hihi

now i'm waiting for my batch wedding:
- SKL 1993-1998
- SMKAY 1999-2001
- SMKS19 2002
- SMKY 2002-2003
- KMPP 2004-2005
- last but not least, UTP 2005-2009

so korang2 jgn lupa ek jemput aku klu nk kenduri..
especially apy ye..ayah ang dah bg green light tu..haha~

insyaAllah sampai klu xde aral melintang..
klu kenduri aku, jgn tanya..sensentip..haha~

Saturday, October 25, 2008

open haus lg la wei~

salam... =)

finally i'm home!!!

after a terrible week counted, now I am resting in my home sweetest home~
sorry la apy, xpat aku nge'date' dgn mu di IRC..hihi

for few nights, I wasn't able to have my lovely dreams
3 am..4 am..5am..6 am..
tergamak plak berjaga di waktu2 sepatutnya aku beradu
semuanya keranamu..oh FYDP!
but now d presentation is OVER!
jz d interim left..
"so amacam present?" favorite question among the chemist
"huh~jz nice maybe..tp, ada aku kesah?aku jz nk rest ja pasni"..hehe
tp bukan FYDP interim ja ada..
  1. FYP interim..
  2. quiz, presentation n case study SBE..
  3. trip
  4. oral test
  5. environment test
tp skang yg aku tau aku kat umah..
umah adalah tempat utk berehat..
bkn utk pk2 bnda yg patut pk kt utp..kan3...
ngee~ =D

back to 1 week ago..
it was open house at apy's

now showing..

bergambar dulu b4 memulakan perjalanan

kelihatan sebuah kereta mengekori WNA 1961..
CCD 5554..
*sue, ieja,deyna, ayin n ady rupanya*

purples are always charming!hihi

preparing nak serbu umah apy!

someone seems impatient..haha
saba la faid oooiii!makanan x lari..hihi

guess which is mine?hehe~

muka2 kebuloq dah ni..
except second from d left =p

muka2 bahagia dpt mkn yg diidam2 kan..

kek kiwi~nyummy2

thanx fiera~
*aku mmg suka disuap*

strawberry lovers..
*seb baik my strawberry selamat*

thanx apy for d invitation
mmg x rugi ko jemput org2 cm aku n dayah utk mkn2..haha~

kusyuknya makan...

couple of d day
*pesal my purse jd model neh..hihi*

erk..ape aku bahagia sgt neh..
maybe sbb makanan yg menyelamatkan perut ku..haha~

1 of d cake yg dijamu..
*apy, u still owe choc cake to us*

antara tetamu2 yg hadir..

gadiz2 ayu di dapo.. =)

pilih2..oops, spotted sum1 here..

couple yg plg mentagei of d day!


kek ni spatutnya dijamu awal utk org puple tau..huhu

apa korang tgk tu?

owh, kong nak amek pic rupanya..hee~

faris, apa kamu buat?ish2..

like i said, purple will always look fascinating~

muka2 dah kenyang

suspects from CCD 5554..
*not include d only guy here*

heading to next house..but full olredi..
tp kna gak tunjuk muka kat umah SV ni..

sum1 totally full here

Align Centersempat bergambar di taman utp yg cantik & permai

jalan2 lepas kenyang!
permai kan utp petang2?

thanx to all~
hope to have some more next year..
do come to Kedah lak k?
i'll serve utara nya raya meals lak